20th Anniversary


We Are Celebrating!

Proud of our past and excited for our future

Since 2002 we have explored investments from a different perspective, addressed the unmet needs of the marketplace, and pursued better solutions to serve you. Through our ongoing efforts in research, product innovation, and investor advocacy, we strive to help you achieve your long-term investment goals. We have a long history of sharing insights and tools to guide your investment thinking and focus on what matters in the long run. Thank you for your trust in our research and ideas. We look forward to the next 20 years!

“We study capital markets to learn about historically reliable sources of investment returns. Publishing our research and educating investors are worthwhile activities on their own, but also invite others to challenge our ideas. Publicly debating our research findings is essential to deepening our knowledge. Ultimately, we apply our insights using 21st century technology to create simple, transparent, low cost investment strategies that deliver more of the available returns to end investors."


“We study capital markets to learn about historically reliable sources of investment returns. Publishing our research and educating investors are worthwhile activities on their own, but also invite others to challenge our ideas. Publicly debating our research findings is essential to deepening our knowledge. Ultimately, we apply our insights using 21st century technology to create simple, transparent, low cost investment strategies that deliver more of the available returns to end investors."


Industry Recognition for Innovative Research

Over the last 20 years,  our innovative research findings have been recognized by the industry's leading practitioner journals for their important contributions to investment professionals' body of knowledge and ultimately to the benefit of investors worldwide. These award-winning articles are listed below with a brief description of their respective practical contributions to the investor toolkit.

Our mission has always been to create long-term value for investors through our insights and products. The following can guide you in navigating our full span of resources:

Seeking actionable practitioner insights?

Browse our RA Publications library of over 250 publications.

Looking for more of our academic insights?

Explore our entire collection of journal and working papers.

Prefer a multimedia experience?

Tune in to videos, podcasts, and webinars by the firm’s thought leaders.

Constructing customized client portfolios?

Save portfolios and view our long-term expected returns using Asset Allocation Interactive and Smart Beta Interactive.

Curious about our Research Affiliates Model Portfolios?

Learn more from our resources dedicated to advisors.

Interested in adding Research Affiliates’ insights to your portfolios?

Get more information about our investment strategies and how to invest.